Annual Transit Update
What is it?
As the planets continue their cycles and form new angles and relationships to our natal chart, karmic issues and life challenges present themselves as avenues for growth. Decoding the symbolism in these cycling planets and angles can provide the necessary information and tools to understand and learn from the difficult times.
We can use the astrological model to predict exactly when these key transformational times occur in our lives and when the challenges do appear, act with a deeper level of self-insight. If we are aware of our own subtle inner clocks we can access pre-set alarms for personal growth and transformation.
It shines a light on life's ebbs and flows revealing opportunities for more productive choices.
What will it cover?
An annual transit consultation can help you prepare for the year ahead, clearing a path to the year's potential. While the natal chart provides insights into your internal conflicts, transits and progressions inform when these conflicts will be targeted for healing and reveal opportunities for productive choices. That is, opportunities for positive change, enjoyment and expansion of one's skills.
The timing of upcoming transits is given along with the expected energy that will occur throughout the transit. By relating this energy to the story of the natal chart, the consultation can discuss how to apply this information into manifesting the best outcomes for your forthcoming year.
Cost: 60 mins $160