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CHIRON - The Wounded Healer

The Chiron Bridge

I find Chiron one of the most important planetary bodies to work with in a reading.  Chiron can provide the bridge from your past to your future, from your current condition to what’s possible.  As denoted by the symbol of a key, it provides the key to yourself​, your opportunity to transcend your limitations and fulfil your mission in this lifetime.  Understanding the Chiron placement in your chart can help unlock you from who you have been conditioned to be, into who you are meant to be.


The human condition of pain

Part of the human condition is to suffer in some way and Chiron can lead the way to the deepest wound of our soul.  This may present as feelings of worthlessness, shame, guilt, inadequacy, not belonging, lack of freedom etc.  We may experience it very early in life, or even in in past lifetimes, carrying it forward in our karmic DNA.  We often overcompensate for our pain with self-sacrificial behaviours, controlling behaviours, melodramatic responses, escapist behaviours or possibly project it onto others as their problem.  To evolve and grow, we need to embrace and accept these parts of ourselves, learn to integrate our perceived ‘weaker’ parts, and transform these behaviours into more positive actions.

Chiron's meaning in our charts

chiron symbol of key

Access your Chiron bridge to transcend your limitations

In our natal chart the house placement of Chiron shows the area of our lives where we find this suffering, and the sign Chiron is in offers additional information about how we express this wound.  Any aspects (relationships to other planets in the chart) tell us which facets of our personality are influenced by Chiron. 

How can Chiron help?

A reading of Chiron’s placement in your chart can zero in on where and how you have felt pain in your life.  Many people are initially in denial of this wounding.  By analysing the previous transits of Chiron to itself and other personal planets, your own unique Chiron story will start to emerge.  The first step is bringing this story into your awareness and to acknowledge its impact on your life.  The trick is then to embrace the wound, work to heal it and transform it into a gift.  Why a gift?  Because the flipside of each wound and compensating behaviour is a skill that can be applied with the learned experience gained through dealing with your own trauma.  Once acknowledged and understood, growth can occur as a result of the suffering, which not only helps you, but also those around you. 

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