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Mars Retrograde 2020

The Mars retrograde in Aries cycle that began 9th September, 2020 and finishes on November 14th, 2020 is a very significant one!   The last Mars retrograde cycle in its own sign of fiery Aries was in 1988 and the next one won’t be until 2067.  


Mars retrograde is like changing gears, putting your life into reverse.  You will be drawn back into those crisis and problems you thought you’d put to bed only to realise something else is now required.  Others may warn you not to retreat back but there is still some lesson or karmic obligation you need to fulfill before you will be able to move forward again.  But don’t worry as Mars will fill you with nerves of steel and a warrior’s strength to do what needs to be done.

You may need to revisit a decision, or matters relating to anger may resurface, both requiring you to devote effort and attention to repairing an issue from the past. Be prepared for some people being more angry or aggressive, due to their own frustrations, throughout this period.  Areas of your life that you have been neglecting or skipped over will come up for re-evaluation and reflection requiring action. On a positive note Mars may reveal to you an alternative approach that can help you find a new solution to an old problem.  It’s about re-working or further refining projects, whilst balancing your energy, your drive and your assertiveness.

Where Mars retrograde will personally impact you will depend on which house Aries appears in your individual natal chart. This is the area of your life that you need to understand, resolve and take action.  If you don’t know your natal chart, contact me and I can assist.    

image of mars planet - fiery red


You are used to living life at full speed ahead, but Mars retrograde will make you feel like you are living in slow motion. It is important not to overdo things as this may result in physical burnout or ill-health.  Mars retrograde is telling you to slow down, pace yourself and go over those areas of life that you haven’t been paying attention to with a more focussed eye.  Your plans may become more convoluted or more complicated during retrograde and you may need to put in extra effort to make progress.  But being naturally driven and ambitious you will power through making progress of a slightly different kind.


We know you like to take a considered approach in most things so Mars retrograde but not have such an impact on you that it will on other signs. However, you may spend more time focussing on the lost and neglected parts of you and look for ways to express them in your current life. In general Taureans are slow to temper but once triggered you can explode.  Be extra watchful for rising anger over this time and try to maintain your much-loved sense of peace and calm. It is important to still take necessary action when required and avoid using any retrograde struggles that arise as excuses for avoiding change.


You may find that Mars retrograde causes you to re-evaluate your friendship groups and any other tribes that you belong to.  Are they serving you and your interests?  Are you inspired and invigorated by them? Or do you feel drained and are only engaged by a sense of duty? You are a social creature at heart and it is important that you surround yourself with authentic connections that bring you alive. There may be more confrontations or conflict than usual that cause you to retreat and shelve your witty banter for another day. Mars retrograde may see you question some connections with possible changings of the guard.


Many Cancerians have been faced with work conflict over recent months and Mars retrograde may actually take some of this pressure away.  As things slow down you will find more time to focus on your health and wellbeing which may have been sidelined under your previous heavy workload.  Be careful not to combine this slower pace with increased eating. This is the perfect time to re-evaluate and re-strategise what you have been working on and enjoying the benefits of increased time with family and/or pets. It is important that any setbacks do not result in self criticisms or a loss in self-confidence, but that you see them as opportunities to make further improvements and enhancements.


Many of you have been enjoying Mars in Aries in trine with your Sun resulting in extra drive, energy and positive progress over the last few months. Mars retrograde will slow this movement but will at the same time broaden your horizons and expand your world view. You may need to put in extra effort, but you are still in good place to complete projects such as writing that book, putting together that website, recording that podcast and studying. With a slower pace you may also find yourself dreaming about other things you have been wanted to explore or spend your time lost in a world creativity.


Mars retrograde is the time for you to slow down and evaluate where you are, rather than pushing ahead.  Are you projects on track or is a redirection required?  This is also a time for you to reconsider your finances and monitor both your spending and your investing. Maybe you are feeling that your hopes and dreams are being somewhat delayed or extra struggles are coming up to slow down your track towards them. Use this time wisely to make sure your chosen path is the right one.  We know you don’t like your planning to be in vain, but sometimes it is necessary to halt, retrace your steps and create new plans.


You, as a peace-loving Libran, may have found much of 2020 stressful as Mars opposed your Sun causing you to possibly burn bridges and clash with others.  Mars retrograde provides you with a welcome rest from relationship challenges until November. This is time to reconnect to any close partnerships that have suffered that you wish to re-kindle.  For that one person you thought you had seen the end of, they may be coming back.  But relax they aren’t as fired up as before and you may have the upper hand in your dealings going forward. Your Mars Sun opposition has been teaching you lessons around stronger boundaries and this will pay off for you now.



This has been a tough year for you, if not brutal for some.  Mars has recently added to the fire igniting even more flames. Mars retrograde is your time for a well-deserved rest.  Many of you still have a Uranus square (will cover in another post) but fires will subside.  So much so that you may feel like you are going backwards which of course won’t sit well with you. Take this time to think deep about what you really want for your future. Is all that drive towards money and status really making you happy or is quality of life and passion that is going to bring more fulfillment?  What changes do you need to make?


Like Leo, you have been given a boost over recent months with Mars in Aries, but in a frenetic way.  Mars retrograde suggests this frantic pace will ease up and you may even stop to smell the roses.  If you have been experiencing friction at home with the pull between work and family, this should also settle.  Any excess partying may subside or possibly you may find yourself with less stamina that usual to rush from event to event.  This is a good time to step and plan (yes we know you like to be spontaneous) your next holiday and adventure rather than living it out.


Mars retrograde is providing you with the time to re-group.  As usual you have been working hard of late, pushing ahead, sometimes to the detriment of your health and wellbeing.  This is the time to drop some of those heavy responsibilities that you often deem necessary to carry and delegate to others.  By lightening your load you can delve into what gives your life meaning.  Re-evaluate your goals and what foundations you are building. Some revisions may be required, but you will emerge ready and driven to move forward again when retrograde ends in November.  Spend some time with friends that bring out your witty dry sense of humour.



Despite being normally a very social and friendly person, you can on the odd occasion bring out the colder tone when challenged. Mars retrograde is your time to rebuild bridges and mend fences with partners and family members if required.  It is also a great time for de-cluttering your home and throwing away things accumulated over the years that are now well past their use by date. Some of you may have had change knocking at your door or a general restlessness that may continue for some time yet.   This is the time not to be resistant and stubborn, but to get in touch with what you really want and make any adjustments required.


Sometimes you can feel overwhelmed by the constant to do list which of course results in you falling in a help of emotional overload. This is your time to get your breath back, re-group and take stock of your resources. We know you prefer to be lost in your dreams rather than concentrate on the finances, but this is the time for you to focus on building personal security.  You may have lost confidence in your push for whatever it was that has impassioned you over recent months, but Mars retrograde is only reminding you to step back and reconsider ‘how’, not to necessarily throw it away.

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