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fractal imagary representing the different energies of sun, moon and ascendant

Sun Sign, Moon Sign and the Ascendant (Rising Sign)

The most significant parts of an individual's natal chart that influence the personality, drivers, behaviours and psyche, are the sun sign, moon sign and Ascendant (or rising sign). An individual is a blend of many different signs involving the different planets and parts of the chart, but these three components are the most dominant from a personality perspective.


What is the difference between them - what do they each mean?


We are normally all familiar with our sun sign which is based on the time of  year we were born. Our sun sign symbolises the true essence of who we are. It represents are individuality and our sense of self and what we want. If we think what we would like to do, given free time, resources and no-one around to influence us, this would tie back to the energy of our sun. It is of major importance in the chart showing how we are motivated and what brings us alive. However, we don't always live our sun sign, we often start as children living more our moon, with the sun energies relating to those we are learning to develop as we grow. Sadly many individuals never reach a life in tune with their sun energy, denying important parts of themselves.






Our Moon Sign is dependent upon when in the month we were born and describes our emotional nature and what we need to feel emotionally secure and safe. It shows our instinctive behaviours and how we react when triggered.   Whilst our Sun Sign describes who we are learning to  become as we develop our individuality over this lifetime, the Moon describes who we already instinctively are.


Our Rising Sign is dependent upon the time of day we  were born.  It shows the way others see us until they get to know the more complex person underneath. It is how we carry and project ourselves to others in day to day routines at work, in public and when meeting other people.  It reveals how we respond to the world around us and our default way of behaving where we feel most comfortable.  The Rising Sign can also influence our appearance and physical body.


When reading a chart it is important to blend the energies of these different signs and not to read one in total isolation.  My first astrology teacher summed it up neatly as "The combination of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant or Rising Sign describes what you want (Sun), what you need (Moon), and how you will go about getting it (Ascendant)."



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