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The Importance of Being You

Astrology is not simply comprised of 12 different signs (archetypes) ranging from Aries to Pisces. We may say “I am a Scorpio” or “I am a Virgo”, but in fact we are not simply our sun signs, instead we are a complex and individual mix of many different archetypes, in many different combinations and dosages. If astrology only considered sun signs, we would be only one of 12 different archetypes. 



Add in the location of the sun in one of 12 houses, and we arrive at 144 variations.  Add in a minimum of 12 other planets or asteroids, we get to one in 1728.  Now add in the interrelationship between all of these variables and it is demonstrated we are actually one in a million or more. In fact, we are all very much unique in our astrological make-up, even twins have different charts as the time of birth down to minutes can make a significant difference with the planets constantly in motion.


However, unfortunately life can dictate a one size fits all approach, or fits a particular group and we can find that life is something that just happens around us as we try to make our own way amidst a myriad of societal rules and expectations. Our individual self can disappear as we believe we need to play certain roles, behave in certain ways, or conform in order to find love and acceptance.  The truth is we’re all different and have infinitely varied wants, needs, attitudes, abilities, motivators and challenges that the consensus does not necessarily cater for.


By denying important parts of our own psyche we can lose touch with our unique inner essence and soul path. This is not only detrimental to us as individuals, but also takes away from the inherent skills and gifts we have to offer others.

woman with striking eyes hiding herself behind a blue cloth

Astrology is about reclaiming our individuality, about tapping into our real selves, not our conditioned selves.  With greater self-awareness, self-acceptance and determination to live our lives as we really are and not who we are expected to be, we can choose to live a more authentic life. That is, a life more fulfilled and meaningful where we continue to learn, where we continue to expand our consciousness and evolve.


Astrology is independent of any one religion or spiritual belief, in fact its symbology, sacred geometry and metaphysical concepts are common across numerous spiritual and philosophical paradigms.  Neither fortune-telling nor fatalistic prediction, instead it is a tool for self-discovery and self-transformation with the ability to reveal the extraordinary powers residing in the depths of every human being. Accordingly, the process is inward, not outward, and the interpretations are made in terms of personal growth and fulfillment.


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